Wall of the Eyeless -
Through Emptiness (2011)
date of birth of the band Wall of the Eyeless was dated on November 2011 in
Helsjön/ Sweden.
SL, who comes from Pskov/ Russia and tried unsuccesfully to form a band there,
is now a student in Helsjön at the Folkshögskola. But he never gave up his hope
and wrote the first songs. After the meeting between him and Simon (drums)
things came together. Very fast they recorded the songs for the Demo CD Through
Emptiness, which was released at the end of december 2011. In spite of the poor
quality the demo earned good critics.
The demo contains 4 songs, that show a lot of the skills of the band and i am
looking forward, whether they can impress me. The first song "The Hands" has a
very poor quality, it is Death Metal with some progressive elements. The
recording of the single instruments is loud an the individual voices are
sometimes lost in the chaos of the sound. The fast parts are often changing with
slow melodic parts, where the the guitars are sometimes overriden. The 2nd track
"Do we belong here?" begins with a melodic guitarplay and grows with a nice
sound also the voice seems good in the first moments. The band plays with
different elements and the song contains some parts which ease it all a little
bit with accoustic guitarsounds. The third song "Wall of Eyeless" contains some
heavy metal elements but here is also the soundquality the problem. It seems to
be a little bit unbalanced and to experimental. Now let us talk about the last
song which is called "The Rain Song". The track begins with a very melodic
introduction and the guitars are a bit better recorded than in the songs before.
The vocals begin very late and the musicalic interludes are minimalistic. Maybe
you can put this song into the Progressive Metal genre, but its not precise to
say this.
So in my opinion the band has some skill. Maybe the soundquality is not the
best, but it is a newcomer band, so come on. Maybe "Wall of the Eyeless" should
invest more time to arrange the songs and their conzepts, but you can see very
good approaches at the vocals but also the usage of their instruments. Maybe it
is not the demo of the year, but this work has its own strength and of course
Soundquality: 6/10
Variation: 7,5/10
Cover: 6/10 Booklet: 0/10
Total: 6,5/10