SOLUTION .45: Anders Edlund
verlässt die Band!
SOLUTION .45 und Anders Edlund werden in Zukunft getrennte Wege gehen, geben
SOLUTION .45 bekannt. „Dieser Split erfolgt in gegenseitigem Einverständnis. Wir
möchten Anders herzlich für sein Engagement und die tollen Jahre mit ihm in der
Band danken und wünschen ihm für seine zukünftigen Unternehmungen alles Gute.
Unsere musikalische Reise miteinander mag nun enden, aber wir bleiben Anders
freundschaftlich verbunden.
Hier das Statement von Anders:
"Ladies and Gentlemen!
A sad moment has appeared in my musical life. This is the moment when I say
farewell to the job as bass player in Solution .45 . I entered the band in
spring 2008 after being asked to join by my good, old friend Christian Älvestam.
When he played the demo-tapes, that would later lead to the album “For Aeons
Past”, I knew instantly that it would be a real privilege for me to handle the
pulse in this band. Great songs with diversity and epicenes mixed with
Christian’s fabulous voice. Amongst the best I´d ever heard.
Solution .45 started out as a “not-knowing-what-will-happen” band. Five guys
that didn´t have a clue how people would react to the music. But with time we
received new members ( Patrik ) new fans and opportunities. Now, all of us have
come to the conclusion that we need to put more effort into Solution .45.
Meaning more rehearsals, gigs e.t.c. It´s just that…for me it´s impossible right
now. My private situation makes it impossible to put as much effort into this
machinery needed and as I would want to in order to make the best possible
outcome. And in order not to be a hindrance for the other guys on their journey
I simply choose to stand aside. I have to state that I´ve loved every moment
throughout the years with this band and I had the privilege to sum it all up
with the show at Progpower USA in September 2012. Where we, not only made a
hell-of-a show, also met fans and new friends that I hope I will have for the
rest of my life.
I have the biggest respect for my Swedish and Finnish brothers in S.45. I´m
sure they will keep this machinery going and there are no hard feelings between
us at all since this is a decision made through mutual understanding. I simply
just want them to continue spreading the fabulous music of Solution.45.
To my brothers Christian, Patrik, Tom, Rolle, Jani: Best of luck with the band
and thank you for 4 fantastic and memorable years with moments I´ll never forget.
It´s time to turn the page, thou.
Solution.45-fan: Keep supporting this Nordic Alliance. And thanks to all of you
who supported me and the band from day one. You`re the ones making it all worth,
in the end. Hopefully one day our roads will be crossed because one thing is for
sure..I won´t stop playing the music I´ve loved for so long. So don´t be
surprised if you see me in some other constellation in the future. When my
personal situation is different.
Yours sincerely!
Anders Edlund
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