ereicht uns die Meldung, dass Paradox alle Festivaltermine für dieses
Jahr absagen. Grund hierfür ist die Herzerkrankung des Sängers Charly
Steinhauer (Wir berichteten bereits). Das Team von New-Metal-Media
wünscht Charly baldige Besserung und hofft, die Band schnell wieder
live erleben zu dürfen. Hier noch einmal der Originaltext der Band:
"We are sorry to inform you
that for reasons beyond our control Paradox are forced to cancel the
festival shows booked for this spring and summer. As most of you know
Charly underwent a serious heart surgery in late 2012. We were looking
forward to playing these shows very much, but according to the
specialists playing live shows and especially the strain associated with
doing vocals is still too much of a threat for Charly's condition at
this point. We were eager to hit the stage again as soon as possible,
just like the fans were looking forward to our live comeback, and thus
we were a little bit too optimistic when accepting the offers for these
shows. We want to apologize to the fans and to the promoters and want to
thank you for your support and your belief in the band. For now we focus
on writing and recording the follow up album to "Tales Of The Weird" and
we hope to back on stage with a vengeance very soon."